Un-Advertise Your Business

I am going to talk about how you can advertise and market without only using your own money.
We call this Un-advertising.
It would not matter what business you are in. Whether you are a restaurant owner or a carpenter whether you are a real estate agent, whether you are a loan broker or you are a car mechanic or a car dealer or whether you are a dry cleaner or whether you are whatever.
If you only attempt to use your own money and effort for marketing — you will most likely never really make it.
It’s like trying to build your own highway in order to travel from Los Angeles to Chicago. It doesn’t work. By the time you have raised all the money possible to your own infrastructure, you have wasted so much time and effort. Why not simply travel on built roads?
Here is the thing: it takes lots of money to market any business, it takes more effort than your have ever thought it would take and that’s why small business owners stay small business owners and don’t grow because they just never can do what Amazon.com does.
When I speak about using another’s money, I am not talking about loans, investments and stuff like that.
I am talking putting your message on existing channels of other people who already reach your target.
Those other people may be small companies, maybe individual people, they may be large companies, they may be non-profit organizations. They can even be your local news stations talking about you!
Whatever it is, you need to learn how to get your message to be spread by other entities, than yourself.
Keep in mind, when another entity speak well about you to your target audience, you also get “endorsed” naturally.
A local news station speaking well about your business means they are implying you are somewhat of good reputation.
So go to one of our introductory info sessions, go to our website, go make that phone call.
There are probably very few companies who will actually show you how to market without only using your own time and effort.
Don’t waste your own money in advertising. Do Un-Advertising!
Helmut Flasch
CEO, Flasch International
Founder of “Un-Advertising”
Award-winning Marketing Strategy