Is there a Wealth Gap? Or an Opportunity Gap? Or is it an Ignorance Gap?

Of course, we have a wealth gap, but I believe it is because of people not taking the opportunities presented.
And that phenomena of NOT chasing opportunities I call it ignorance.
Sure, one will chase many opportunities, which do not work out.
There most likely will be more failures than successes, but ask the super-rich and they will tell you that if they count all the things which did not work out they would get depressed.
One should literally never look at what did not work out but only at what did work – even if ever so slight.
One should do that with oneself and with others.
In any case, the internet has brought so many new opportunities which for some reason educate people like doctors pass-up as much as completely uneducated and rather ignorant people do.
In my country of Austria, we used to say “what the farmer does not know he does not eat.”
This is why most people I grew up with in our farming and industrial area have retired rather poor and definitely unhappy, usually unhealthy because they never wanted to “eat” those other business opportunities which presented themselves over the last 45 years.
They told me I am crazy that I quit my engineering profession a few months after graduating and exchanged it for becoming a waiter.
I saw the world, worked and lived in about 20 countries or so over four continents.
I speak 5 languages, am happily married, health and still “go to work” with a vengeance.
I put the “go to work” in quotation marks as I really don’t go work the same way my engineer colleague kept doing.
By definition, I was rather free where I work all the time as I have worked all over the world, but the last 20 years or so, I even hardly ever have to be in a particular place in order to do business in any particular place in the world.
I stopped trading time for money or be chained to a place or have to do my work at a particular time to a great extent for a long time now.
What a wonderful life it is! 😊
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The internet is the new oil rush and it’s a lot safer as no one is shooting at you once you have found a goldmine!
Don’t be the farmer who does not look at what he does not know.
We have a You Do No Work Affiliate program where we do the work and you can/should learn as we make money for you.
Helmut Flasch
CEO, Flasch International
Founder of “Un-Advertising”
Award-winning Marketing Strategy
In case you do not want to engage in our You-Do-No-Work Affiliate program you will still love the one-hour conversation with me and you will find it inspiring and useful for years to come. It might still change the way you earn money. 🙂
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