Trading Time/Health to Make a Living?

“The secret to success is not luck or having a good idea at the right time.
It happens to be your ingenuity on how you can, if at all possible, repeat (duplicate) a money-making action as often as needed, without your personal time involved, so that you can take home the profit you want.”
– Helmut Flasch, CEO of Flasch International
Our office consulted a dentist a couple of years ago.
He was quite a go-getter and did well on our Un-Advertising program BUT we never really got him to take the reins as an executive ONLY.
He just could not drop doing dentistry himself so he could be a CEO and create bigger and more practices – which was what he wanted!
One day he came to our office and told us the bad news – really bad news.
He had a paralyzed shoulder and surely was out of commission for one to two years, maybe more.
Big loss of money in his eyes! He, after all, was the best producer in his practice!
I remember that he was stunned when I said, “Great – totally fantastic now you can start to grow your practices because now you have time to lead instead of doing labor work and trade time for money!”
To make this short – he did grow like crazy! Happily being a leader, a true CEO who could be with his family more or less when he wanted!
He also had time (and money) to start other things he yearned for a very long time, and has almost forgotten that he wanted them.
A very different but also super great outcome story happened with a dentist in Bombay who did not believe that he ever could hire an associate doctor as this simply was not done back then in India.
To the end – he did enroll in our program and a few years later got a mega award from the Bombay movie industry for directing a movie.
He said, “When I stopped trading time for money, even though my dental work paid well, and when I went ahead to become a leader who can duplicate myself more or less as often as I want, this has made my dreams come true.”
Now, even though our office has done this type of practice consulting for 30 years relatively successful I am NOT making you reading this to go that road.
You could and we are still here going strong doing this, BUT I wish you to ask yourself:
How can you start engaging in strategies that will FREE YOU UP in terms of time and money to pursue the lifestyle you like outside your practice?
What if your current day job becomes a hobby? A hobby you perform as much or as little as you want.
How much could you improve your quality, and thus your reputation if money is an afterthought only?
Helmut Flasch
CEO, Flasch International
PS. Talk to our office for a strategic explanation of how you could increase income and time off, without spending more time in managing your practice.
Maybe what we have to say will not appeal enough for you to engage with us, BUT I guarantee you will still feel like you had a “big wow kind of a day”!
One way or another this conversation will pay off for you handsomely one day.
Give our office a call to set up an interview.
Call (800) 912-0510 or visit our website: