The most overworked and underpaid people usually are the most highly educated people.

In the last 30 years of working with health care professionals (dentists, doctors, chiropractors, specialists, etc.), most of the time we at Flasch International have been solving the problem of not having enough money with brand new patients.
Doctors who are solo practitioners are usually overworked.
And by being overworked we mean not having time for family and things one loves.

Burnout rates and physician dissatisfaction remain too high. There is no work-life balance.
And it has gotten worse almost yearly.
Will it get better?
How can one find time for family and friends, for things one loves?
It’s possible. We at Flasch International have the solution to stop being overworked and underpaid.
The solution is to engage in an income source, which does not chain one to
the practice, which basically can be done totally HANDS OFF.
We are living in a Golden Era of the Digital Age. And we at Flasch International set up a New Complete Business for you, in connection with Patient Marketing.
Our new program combines a business outside your medical practice and patients marketing for your medical practice.
Even if a new business, which we create for you, doesn’t interest you as much as your medical practice, in a year or two this new business will solve the main problem — being overworked and underpaid.
It gives financial freedom and the ability to do everything one wants without requiring one’s time and presence.
Moreover, with the Flasch Residual Income program, one can make passive income
which is scalable.
And the money one makes while sleeping, allows one to do everything one wants.
Check our website and schedule a FREE 60-min consultation with one of our specialists. During this consultation with us, you will learn how to start making money without having to be in one place and work.
Helmut Flasch
Founder, Un-Advertising System
Flasch International