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increase take home income

The Power of Compounding

What is the power of compounding? Some of you have already heard that it is the eighth world wonder. However, we won’t talk about the fact if you took a single penny and doubled it everyday, by day 31, you would have $10,737,418.23. We will talk about how not paying attention to the power of...Read More

Streams of Income Which Don’t Require Time

The Internet has changed everything the way business has been done.  In today’s age, one can create and have streams of incomes, which do not require: one’s time; linking to one place; only one product or service.  We have worked with business owners (many in the healthcare field) for 30 years.  Service-based and location-based businesses...Read More

Opportunities That You May MISS in 2021: How to Make a Profit From the Internet?

Nowadays, the Internet provides an infinite number of income-creation opportunities.  But most likely, opportunities are not what you’re after.  Most of us are after a workable system, which is safe, profitable, and consistent at the same time, which allows you to have freedom of time and location.  In the last 30 years of working with...Read More

Nothing big ever came from being small.

“Nothing big ever came from being small.” – UNKNOWN   That should and must start with your thinking – which then encompasses everything else.  If you must think, you might as well think big.  Helmut Flasch CEO, Flasch International www.Un-Work.com  PS. Maybe that’s why people say – “It’s too good to be true”, so that they don’t have to think big!  PS....Read More

Trading Time/Health to Make a Living?

“The secret to success is not luck or having a good idea at the right time.It happens to be your ingenuity on how you can, if at all possible, repeat (duplicate) a money-making action as often as needed, without your personal time involved, so that you can take home the profit you want.” – Helmut...Read More