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When I stop running my business, do I have enough income to retire?

In the last 30 years of working with health care professionals, we at Flasch International have noticed that there is an Exit Strategy missing. “When I sell my practice, do I have enough income to retire?” It is painful to see how the majority of doctors and busy professionals simply don’t plan early enough because...Read More

Why does your advertising NOT work?

Many companies and almost all business owners who do advertising alone are throwing their hard-earned money out the window.  They do advertising in the newspaper, radio, television, etc., but almost never receive the result they want to achieve. In today’s world advertising has little longevity in people’s minds. The moment you stop advertising, your prospects...Read More

Earn active income with your profession. Create passive income at the same time.

The most overworked and most underpaid people are very often also the most educated people — dentists and doctors. In the last 30 years of working with health care professionals (dentists, doctors, chiropractors, specialists, etc.) and other businesses across the world, we have done phenomenally well with most of our clients. We have a concept...Read More

Don’t waste your money in advertising. Do Un-Advertising as the first step.

Most companies and definitely almost all business owners who do advertising alone are throwing their hard-earned money out the window. They might increase the total collection but almost never the bottom line. The reason is simple: advertising is hardly noticed and definitely not believed. The amount of advertising in America is way way up but...Read More