How to Get New Customer Calls (Not Just Clicks to a Website)

A doctor from Chicago has told me that he had spent $3000 to $4000 a month on pay-per-clicks with Google.
There are a tremendous number of CLICKS to the website but conversion to appointments is a problem.
Another business owner told me he was spending $2000 a month on Facebook ads which got him 10 leads each month.
However, the follow-up with the leads has been a time-consuming task since his staff would call/email to new prospects — the number of set appointments remained little.
And the no-show rate for the appointments is very high.
Now, I am not against spending money on advertising at all. And I do believe a consistent follow-up on the leads is necessary to make the new appointments.
But is there an easier way of creating appointments that can show up?
For the last year, we have tested a system called “Instant Call”
1. It is a direct way of getting prospects to call your office without depending on social media or websites.
2. You will receive calls directly to your office — your front desk can spend time with prospects who are reaching out to your office.
3. Prospects Calls are generated by the Instant Call system — you and your staff do not need to do any work.
4. Prospects are qualified. They are LOOKING for a service like yours. They are NOT people who may randomly “click” on your ads but are not interested.
5. Best of all, you only pay for calls made to your business! ( That means, you do not pay for clicks or impressions or views.)
NOTE: This system is NOT available for all areas. Please set up an appointment with us to learn if your area is available and we will give you more options.
The info session lasts 60min.
Here is the link to set up an info session with us:
I have always talked about the power of synergy. Business owners who succeed are those who utilize different ways of marketing and work them together.
It is just like winning a war. One does not send airplanes and wait until they are shot down, and then send ships, and then wait until all ships defeated, and then send troops and then wait until all wiped out. To win that war, one sends airplanes, ships, troops at the same time!!
So talk to us about how to incorporate Instant Calls with other effective marketing methods to “win the war” for getting the new customer numbers you need!
This Instant Call system gives direct calls to your office, without any work done by your staff nor depending on the performance of your websites or social media.
Here is the appointment link:
Helmut Flasch CEO,
Flasch International
Founder of “Un-Advertising”
Award-winning Marketing Strategy