Don’t waste your money in advertising. Do Un-Advertising as the first step.

Most companies and definitely almost all business owners who do advertising alone are throwing their hard-earned money out the window. They might increase the total collection but almost never the bottom line.
The reason is simple: advertising is hardly noticed and definitely not believed.
The amount of advertising in America is way way up but for most it means less and less profits.
Google, Facebook ads costs have skyrocketed.
Offline avenues like postcards, billboards, flyers have reduced their effectiveness over time.
Unfortunately, most people don’t believe in advertising.
You and your competitors all sound alike and thus the public cannot decide which to choose.
They are hit by at least 500 advertising appeals per day!
There IS a place for advertising but it is after – and only after a reputation, trust, name, etc. has been recognized by the public.
We name the methodology to create a positive name, image, and perception to make the public choosing you over your competition Un-Advertising.
There hardly is any major brand in this and other countries which has not been created FIRST by using the concept of Un-Advertising.
For example, the way we perceive Apple computers is very different than the way we perceive Dell computers.
Apple has done a great job to differentiate itself from other computer companies.
There are always faster and better computers in the market.
But what else is Apple saying for their brand? Our computers are for people who are creative, who think differently, who are NOT following the status quo. Are you one of those people?
The missing link with most business people is that they do not know that Un-Advertising is the ONLY thing which can and will start the fire – it is the spark – and without this spark, there is no fire – thus no wind can spread this non-existing fire!
Advertising is the wind and doing advertising without first establishing a position or perception which was put in peoples mind by other sources than you will be a waste of money.
Yin Chew
Executive Director
Flasch International
P.S. There are many ways to establish oneself as an authority or an expert to gain the perception of trust.
Our website lists out a few more ways.