Be a goal-maker

When I was young, I worked as a waiter in Austria, my native country. I worked hard (90 hours a week, for about nine months in a row).
An American tourist told me that I was working too hard to ever make money.
I replied that I love my job and that I made good money.
He smiled, patted me on the shoulder, and said, “I’m happy for you. But I mean real money, lots of money – you can’t make it while working so hard.”
Many years later when I started my own business, I understood what he meant.
Goal-Maker: Every organization needs a goal-maker like Kennedy, Gandhi, etc., setting goals such as ‘let’s fly to the moon!’ The Goal-Maker usually does not perform the physical step of an organization. He just ‘dreams stuff up’ and create new goals — so to say!
Manager: The executive should be putting a team together, making strategic plans. He should not perform the physical work; otherwise he has no time to direct and get the work done, which is his job. Every manager is of course some kind of a goal-maker.
Workers: They are the people who actually do the work: Doing dentistry, typing, engineering etc. (all falls under the category of workers).
Maybe you can’t exactly dump all work overnight. But for the business owner, who is usually also the goal-maker, you must make plans and manage them so that in the end all you do is set the goals which will get planned by the management team and done by the employees. Think how far you could get!!
Make first the time to be a manager, and then time to be a goal-maker.
Managing and goal-making happen to be better paid and more rewarding than doing heart surgery or any other “work”!!
Goal-makers and managers can get their ideas and plans implemented without they actually being present to do the actual work. They have time/energy to create new goals and ideas.
But a worker will always be needed at a job and can’t ever replace himself.
So where do you spend the most time at your business right now: being a goal-maker, a manager or a worker?
This will determine how much money and free time you will actually have.
Helmut Flasch CEO,
Flasch International
Founder of “Un-Advertising”
Award-winning Marketing Strategy
P.S: If you agree with the principle of being a goal-maker — not simply just managing and working — but can’t quite see how YOU CAN IMPLEMENT THIS so that you can make more money and/or be less stressed, or spend less time being a worker, then we have something special for you!
Mr Flasch has established a “Ask Me” line where he will personally answer your specific questions regarding this topic and any questions you have about business expansion.
Just give him a couple of days to respond to your questions, and realize that he might have some questions back to you in order to correctly answer your initial questions!
This Ask Mr Flasch line is perhaps the most fantastic business help line you might ever find!! :)))
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