[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” left_padding=”20″]Un-Advertising is an elegant healthcare and dental marketing system whereby “other people” will market for you consistently and continuously instead of you having to market (toot your own horn) yourself.
Un-advertising increases trust and recognition and best of all, it creates massive, positive word-of-mouth and referrals from people who are not even your patients yet![/text_block]
Not only is Un-Advertising one of the least expensive comprehensive medical and dental marketing strategies available, it also costs the least to implement and requires NO TIME on the staff and the doctor.
Even patients referrals don’t work like they used to
Ranking a website high on the search engine to get new patients is not what it is cracked up to be. (Even if you do get some new patients, you have a hard time increasing the numbers.)
The ever-changing social media tools leaves you wondering if you are simply wasting your time posting articles, pictures, placing ads etc since you are never getting the quantity of new patients you need.
When you advertise your services, your message will not be outstandingly different from your competitors who are also advertising the benefits of their services. Patients cannot choose easily among services that “look alike.”
You are tooting your own horn. People do not 100% believe your ads. Your prospects already expect you to say, “We have new technology” or “We are experienced,” etc.
Ads have little longevity. The minute you stop advertising, no one will remember you. Internet ads have extremely short lifespan — people click off your website within seconds and will never remember you again.
Depending only on internal marketing alone has not made any business owner exceptional great wealth. More and more patients do not want to stick their neck (reputation) out.
Networking meetings and luncheons or participating in community activities to stimulate patient referrals are simply too time-consuming.
Currently, in the overcrowded marketplace where every business owner is trying to get the attention of your prospects, it is costing more to advertise and the returns are going down.
Internet companies like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc are making organic search less and less and less long-term workable as they can only stay in business with paid advertising.
Social media (Facebook, Twitter etc) are working on the same strategies as above companies. And thus posting, blogging etc, would be OK if you are a private person who wants to be known among your friends. But it cannot work if you want to get a significant flow of new patients for your business.
Many marketing strategies — which look and sound good — takes too much time and manpower from doctors and/or staff, and thus are simply never executed.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23dc0000″ left_padding=”20″]A Solution Which Cannot Be Executed Is NOT A Solution[/text_block]
We will create eye-catching messages on Facebook, LinkedIn etc that can reach at least 40,000 to 100,000 people in your neighborhood.
Our messages tend to get shared due to portraying you as a great person ( a jolly good fellow) rather than just a clinician (which is boring and sounds the same as your competition.)
Consumer-generated content meaning social media users forwarding a message is more powerful than self-advertised contents.
Most internet ads are a “one-time shot” where prospects either click and become a client, or forget about your existence totally. Our amplified social media method uses follow-up systems where even if prospects do not buy, they are followed-up again and again automatically.
Most websites are not effective to convert a visitor to a patient. Our amplified social media system direct visitors to a landing page which gives them a strong reason to act.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23dc0000″ left_padding=”20″]When The Media Endorses You, It Is The Best and Most-Believed “Advertising.” – Helmut G. Flasch, CEO, Doctor Relations, Inc.[/text_block]
Learn how to get social and casual referrals from doctors who might not even be connected to you clinically.
A dentist can receive patients from a medical doctor and vice versa! How many doctors of other professions are in your area?
If you are a specialist, this program will increase patient referrals from other doctors in your area without you even asking for referrals! Un-Advertising creates a positive image of you to the professional field.
This program will also attract the health care professionals from other fields to become your patients. Would you like to become the doctor of other health care professionals? If so, this program can accomplish this goal without you ever needing to leave your office.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23dc0000″ left_padding=”20″]“Most People Have Great Connections But They Do Not Know How To Harness Them.” – Jeffery Gitomer, Sales Guru and NY Times Best-Selling Author[/text_block]
Most doctors market directly to consumer households but they forget another high quality source of patients – small businesses in the area.
Regardless of whether you are a specialist or general practitioner, you can now attract business owners in your area, their staff and/or their customers to become your patients.
Our program will show you that you can make valuable business connections with CEO’s and small business owners with very little work on your part.
“Most people have great and valuable connections all around them but they do not even see them as such and thus do not harness them, which results in gigantic loss of income”
“This is networking at its best without tedious meetings to attend.”
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” left_padding=”20″]Community leaders, such as fire chiefs, police chiefs, Red Cross chiefs, mayors, City Council members, church leaders, school principals and teachers, etc., have increased influence in the community.
Learn how to get local community leaders to speak well about your practice to members of the public that they meet.
Getting referrals from highly respected public servants is probably the most elegant way of getting quality patients.
Even if you have an active recall program to reactivate old patients, there are still many charts which you and your staff simply could not get to contacting them.
Our You-Do-No-Work recall system will contact past patients without any work involved on your part.
Our Un-Advertising program will also give existing patients more “food-for-talk” and thus they will have more reasons to talk you up to their connections.
“If you want or need to increase your revenue fast, then marketing to people who have bought something from you already will be your best source no doubt. Dentists often have hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, of unfinished dental cases.
Thanks to social media, and its new direction, contacting those inactive patients/clients is easier than ever!
A doctor constantly had no time and yet business was hitting bottom. After 6 months of using this marketing principle his production DOUBLED. He hired more help and now could breathe!
“I have invested thousands of dollar in practice management consultants without getting significant improvement. From the time Doctor Relations started to help me, my statistics doubled up in new patients in the first month and tripled in three months.”
Dr. V. M. R. DC California
“I have tripled my practices. In the past year and a half, I have not practiced dentistry myself because there’s no need to practice!”
Dr. K. S. DDS California
“The event was a success and we managed to get EVERY news station in [city] to attend. It was broadcast that night on all news stations.”
Dr. S. K. DDS New York
“In just 2 years since you started helping us with your philosophy my practice has dramatically improved. Again in just 2 years I went from seeing an average of 12 new patients a month to seeing 125 new patients a month, from just one doctor to six doctors in my office.”
Dr. R. N. DDS California
“My patients more than doubled within 5 months and production doubled in 6 months!”
Dr. S. S. MD Alabama
Fox News contacted me and I went on TV to talk about this event and about my practice. People lined up at 4am outside my practice on the day of the event. I serviced 37 people on this day.
Dr. T. P. DDS Utah
“I have learnt many things from Doctor Relations so far but one of the most unusual and valuable thing has been learning how to create my own news coverage. I know this skill will continue to help me throughout my career.”
“I don’t know of any other management consulting company that teaches health professionals how to get their own news coverage.”
Flasch International is most well-known for the national award-winning marketing strategy called “Un-Advertising.”
Un-Advertising means to make use of other entities outside your office to market your message for you.
“Instead of you tooting your own horn (advertising), get other people to toot the horn for you (un-advertising.)”
The founder, Mr. Helmut Flasch, has helped doctors, dentists and small to large business owners in over 3 continents to grow and expand their businesses.
Helmut is also a bestselling author. His works consist of:
Double Your Business, But Not Your Troubles
You Too Can Be Happy
Economic Deception and Jobless Recovery Exposed
As an international speaker, he has lectured to hundreds of thousands audiences around the world about solving seemingly complex work and life problems, with simple practical solutions.[/text_block]